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Public Member Functions | Properties
LWF.Movie Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LWF.Movie:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LWF.Movie:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Movie (LWF lwf, Movie parent, int objId, int instId, int matrixId=0, int colorTransformId=0, bool attached=false, MovieEventHandlers handler=null)
void SetHandlers (MovieEventHandlers handler)
void Play ()
void Stop ()
void GotoNextFrame ()
void GotoPrevFrame ()
void GotoFrame (int frameNo)
void GotoFrameInternal (int frameNo)
void SetVisible (bool visible)
Point GlobalToLocal (Point point)
Point LocalToGlobal (Point point)
Movie AttachMovieInternal (Movie movie, string attachName, int attachDepth=-1, bool reorder=false)
Movie AttachMovie (string linkageName, string attachName, int attachDepth=-1, bool reorder=false, MovieEventHandler load=null, MovieEventHandler postLoad=null, MovieEventHandler unload=null, MovieEventHandler enterFrame=null, MovieEventHandler update=null, MovieEventHandler render=null)
Movie AttachMovie (Movie movie, string attachName, int attachDepth=-1, bool reorder=false, MovieEventHandler load=null, MovieEventHandler postLoad=null, MovieEventHandler unload=null, MovieEventHandler enterFrame=null, MovieEventHandler update=null, MovieEventHandler render=null)
void SwapAttachedMovieDepth (int depth0, int depth1)
Movie GetAttachedMovie (string attachName)
Movie GetAttachedMovie (int attachDepth)
Movie SearchAttachedMovie (string attachName, bool recursive=true)
void DetachMovie (string attachName)
void DetachMovie (int attachDepth)
void DetachMovie (Movie movie)
void DetachFromParent ()
void AttachLWF (LWF attachLWF, string attachName, int attachDepth=-1, bool reorder=false, DetachHandler detachHandler=null)
void SwapAttachedLWFDepth (int depth0, int depth1)
LWF GetAttachedLWF (string attachName)
LWF GetAttachedLWF (int attachDepth)
LWF SearchAttachedLWF (string attachName, bool recursive=true)
void DetachLWF (string attachName)
void DetachLWF (int attachDepth)
void DetachLWF (LWF detachLWF)
void DetachAllLWFs ()
void Override (bool overriding)
void PostExec (bool progressing)
override void Update (Matrix m, ColorTransform c)
override void LinkButton ()
override void Render (bool v, int rOffset)
override void Inspect (Inspector inspector, int hierarchy, int inspectDepth, int rOffset)
override void Destroy ()
void PlayAnimation (ClipEvent clipEvent)
int SearchFrame (string label)
int SearchFrame (int stringId)
void GotoLabel (string label)
void GotoLabel (int stringId)
void GotoAndStop (string label)
void GotoAndStop (int frameNo)
void GotoAndPlay (string label)
void GotoAndPlay (int frameNo)
Movie SearchMovieInstance (int stringId, bool recursive=true)
Movie SearchMovieInstance (string instanceName, bool recursive=true)
Movie SearchMovieInstanceByInstanceId (int instId, bool recursive)
Movie Move (float vx, float vy)
Movie MoveTo (float vx, float vy)
Movie Rotate (float degree)
Movie RotateTo (float degree)
Movie Scale (float vx, float vy)
Movie ScaleTo (float vx, float vy)
Movie SetMatrix (Matrix m, float sx=1, float sy=1, float r=0)
Movie SetAlpha (float v)
Movie SetColorTransform (ColorTransform c)
Movie SetRenderingOffset (int rOffset)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LWF.IObject
 IObject (LWF lwf, Movie parent, int type, int objId, int instId)
 IObject (LWF lwf, Movie parent, Type type, int objId, int instId)
string GetFullName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LWF.Object
 Object (LWF lwf, Movie parent, int type, int objId)
 Object (LWF lwf, Movie parent, Type type, int objId)
virtual void Exec (int matrixId=0, int colorTransformId=0)
bool IsButton ()
bool IsMovie ()
bool IsParticle ()
bool IsProgramObject ()
bool IsText ()


Format.Movie data [get]
string attachName [get, set]
int depth [get, set]
int currentFrame [get]
bool playing [get]
bool visible [get]
Movie this[string instanceName] [get]
float x [get, set]
float y [get, set]
float scaleX [get, set]
float scaleY [get, set]
float rotation [get, set]
float alpha [get, set]
- Properties inherited from LWF.IObject
IObject nextInstance [get]
IObject linkInstance [get, set]
int instanceId [get]
string name [get]
- Properties inherited from LWF.Object
LWF lwf [get]
Movie parent [get]
Type type [get]
int objectId [get]
int matrixId [get]
int colorTransformId [get]
Matrix matrix [get]
ColorTransform colorTransform [get]
uint execCount [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from LWF.IObject
int m_instanceId
string m_name
IObject m_prevInstance
IObject m_nextInstance
IObject m_linkInstance
- Protected Attributes inherited from LWF.Object
LWF m_lwf
Movie m_parent
Type m_type
uint m_execCount
int m_objectId
int m_matrixId
int m_colorTransformId
Matrix m_matrix
int m_dataMatrixId
ColorTransform m_colorTransform
Renderer m_renderer

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