GREE Haskell test-sandbox

A framework to manage external applications for system tests

View the Project on GitHub gree/haskell-test-sandbox


test-sandbox is a framework to manage external applications and communicate with them via TCP or standard I/O for system testing in a sandboxed environment. The Test.Sandbox monad can either be used stand-alone or in conjunction with HUnit, QuickCheck and the test-framework packages to build a complete test suite. The API is meant to be simple to understand yet flexible enough to meet most of the needs of application testers.



A simple test for the memcached NoSQL key-value store, with communication via TCP.

import Test.Sandbox
import Test.Sandbox.HUnit

setup :: Sandbox ()
setup = do
  port <- getPort "memcached"
  register "memcached" "memcached" [ "-p", show port ] def

main :: IO ()
main = sandbox $ do
  start "memcached"
  output <- sendTo "memcached" "set key 0 0 5\r\nvalue\r\n" 1
  assertEqual "item is stored" "STORED\r\n" output

A simple hypothetic test for the "sed" UNIX command-line utility, with communication via standard I/O.

import Test.Sandbox
import Test.Sandbox.HUnit

main :: IO ()
main = sandbox $ do
  start =<< register "sed_regex" "sed" [ "-u", "s/a/b/" ] def { psCapture = CaptureStdout }
  assertEqual "a->b" "b\n" =<< interactWith "sed_regex_ "a\n" 5

Here is how to cram the above in the Test.Framework module.

import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.Sandbox
import Test.Sandbox
import Test.Sandbox.HUnit

setup :: Sandbox ()
setup = start =<< register "sed_s/a/b/" "sed" [ "-u", "s/a/b/" ] def { psCapture = CaptureStdout }

main = defaultMain [
    sandboxTests "sed_tests" [
        sandboxTest "setup" setup
      , sandboxTest "sed a->b" $ assertEqual "a->b" "b\n" =<< interactWith "sed_s/a/b/" "a\n" 5
      , sandboxTest "sed aa->ba" $ assertEqual "aa->ba" "ba\n" =<< interactWith "sed_s/a/b/" "aa\n" 5

Generated output

benjamin-surma@g-pc-3964:~/Documents/memcached-tests$ ./dist/build/test/test

 ## sed_tests end-to-end test environment                                     --
## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Data directory: /tmp/sed_tests_20474
-- Allocated ports: 
-- Configuration files: 
-- Registered processes: sed_s/a/b/

Starting process sed_s/a/b/... Done.
  [sed a->b]  [OK]
  [sed aa->ba]  [OK]
  setup: [OK]
  sed a->b: [OK]
  sed aa->ba: [OK]
  cleaning: [OK]

         Sandbox tests  Total      
 Passed  4              3          
 Failed  0              0          
 Total   4              4          


At GREE, we spend lots of time meticulously testing our internally-developed middleware. We have solutions not only developed in Haskell, but also C++ and PHP, but wanted a simple and robust test framework to perform end-to-end testing, and this is how test-sandbox is born.